بینکنگ محتسب پاکستان

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Annual Report 2023 is available on Website.Download President lauds the role of Banking Mohtasib for providing monetary relief of Rs 1.26 billion to banking customers in 2023 The President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari has lauded the role of Banking Mohtasib Pakistan (BMP) for processing over 25,000 complaints and providing monetary relief amounting to Rs 1.26 billion to banking customers in 2023. Banking Mohtasib Calls On SBP GovernorThe Banking Mohtasib Pakistan, Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz called on the Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, Mr. Jameel Ahmad on 28th March, 2024. Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz presented the Annual Report of the Banking Mohtasib for the year 2023 to SBP Governor during the meeting, which was also attended by the Senior Advisor, BMP, Mr. Farhat Saeed. Banking Mohtasib Holds 5-Day Hearings at PeshawarThe Banking Mohtasib Pakistan, Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz, held hearings continuously for five days from 12th February – 16th February 2023 at BMP, Regional Office, Peshawar. Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz takes Oath as Banking Mohtasib PakistanThe President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi administered the Oath of Office of Banking Mohtasib Pakistan to Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz at a simple but impressive ceremony held at Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad (18th July 2023).


To resolve all disputes amicably through an informal and friendly process of reconciliation rather than a formal adversarial procedure. We cannot take sides.

Mission Statement

As an independent statutory body established to resolve disputes between consumers and banks, it has been our commitment to deliver free of cost, speedy solutions for all disputes referred to us, in a manner that is impartial, fair and equitable to all parties.

Core Values

We function as a closely-knit team and take collective responsibility for individual decision-making. We have full ownership of our Core Values and firmly believe that by abiding these values, both in our professional and personal lives, we can make a difference.


We receive a large number of disputes daily. We use a practical and rational approach to find fair and amicable outcomes in a manner that is informal and speedy.


Disputes, howsoever petty, cause unnecessary pain and stress. We analyze each dispute with an open mind and if necessary listen to parties concerned, patiently and sympathetically, so as to find a practical and equitable solution.


We believe that most disputes can be resolved in a friendly and amicable manner. We do not allow rigidity to dictate the dispute resolution process. Instead, we endeavor to create an environment where all concerned are encouraged to be reasonable and conciliatory.


We treat all those we meet with respect, courtesy and compassion because only by doing so we gain their confidence and trust.


We are neither consumer champions nor advocates. Neutrality and openness underpin our deliberations. Our service is free of charge. We respect confidentiality in all disputes and institute a process of conciliation that is acceptable to both parties. Decisions taken by us are consistent, clear and balanced so that any rational mind can appreciate the reasoning behind our findings